Thursday, August 07, 2008


Number: Seventeen. Cause then I'll be able to drive. Morgan, your new Peugeot had better watch out!

Color: Red and black. I can't pick between them. Of course, Amy'll screw me if I buy another black shirt.

Day: Saturday, cause it's usually lazyday. Get up, play tennis, shower, go back to sleep, get up, have breakfast, watch TV, bathe, go out.

Month: June and December. Christmas and my birthday.

Song: Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah. It's been covered so many times that I never get tired of it.

Food: Madam Kwan's Nasi Lemak! Or pizza. Or Mexican food, made by Carmen Morales.

Sport: Tennis (I'm an avid follower of the WTA, plus, Amelie Mauresmo is DAAAAAAMN hot) and Women's Soccer isn't that bad (Natasha Kai is mine).

Drink: JD + Coke. Thai Airways rocks cause they gave it to me.

Candy: CHOCOLATE!!! and Bubble gum; HubbaBubba Strawberry or weird flavors of Bubble Yum.

Ice Cream: Baskin's Pralines and Cream or just plain ol' Mint Chocolate Chip.

Season: Summer, please. I don't want my board shorts to go to waste.

Band: Blink-182, Angels & Airwaves - Anything with Tom DeLonge in it.

Movie: Currently, it's Puccini for Beginners.


Animal: Dogs, but big ones. And I always wanted a monkey. And a pig.

Item of Clothing: BOARD SHORTS, in your face, Bunwoman.

Word: Fuck.

Place: Tuscany.

I tag: Alex. Cathy. Eusoff. Katrina. Vivien.

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