Tuesday, October 27, 2009

*making talking-brownie noises*

While Steph has tuition with that Indian lady who claims to be a lawyer, I shall commandeer her blog!

I think Steph is cute. The girl is adorkable. Look at this:

It's such a stupid face, but it's so cute!

I just want to smack her.

I'm just here to get some colour into her blog; life's no fun in black and white.

Alright, I think I'm getting a headache.

And you know how Steph likes thinking she's really cool and indie and listening to music nobody else does?

Well, here's a few things that you'd be shocked are on her playlist! I know I was!








But sometimes, she does have some good taste, and I love her more than anything. Okay, yeah, I think that's all I wanted to say. Don't be mad, Stephykins, you know I love you.

naz.was.here. :)

--don't worry about what people think, they don't think very often.

Okay. Must watch - Brandi Carlile - Mad World.
Yes, I wore a dress.
Yes, it was strapless.
Yes, I paired it off with Converse (Red).
Oh, oh!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

--breast powder

(says this girl in 5 Bestari, I won't name any names Jia-Wen because I'm so nice).
I went to school today, which was a lot of fun.
Spread dirty jokes like the plague, and Pik Ee got most of them.
That girl has such a dirty little mind.
I'm currently listening to Brandi Carlile's new album, Give Up the Ghost.
But youtube's being an absolute bastard and none of the songs are up yet, so...
I'll leave you with this, which I'm also addicted to:
Negramaro ft. Dolores O'Riordan - Senza Fiato (and as usual, click to listen, you won't regret it).
You'll love it - I do.
I'm also leaving you with this.
Be warned, it's almost as bad as Roger Federer's We Are the Swiss.
Enjoy, and let Amelie fill you up with a warm and fuzzy feeling inside.
Oh, wait - that's just what she does to me.

Don't you just wanna tap that?
I know I do.
More soon! :)

Monday, October 19, 2009

--I intend to live forever; so far, so good.

I love these girls.
Okay, that's all I wanted to say.
Don't look at me like that.
Fuck you. :) They're truly awesome chicks.
Yeah, and you stupid juniors who don't know your face from my ass.
Fuck off, lahkay.
For we are the BITCHASSNESS.
Be afraid, be very afraid.
For we hate you.
And I hope you know who you are.
So, yeah.

Currently listening to: Angels & Airwaves - Sirens. (click to listen, bitches)

Sunday, October 18, 2009

--god must love stupid people; he made so many.

I am in love with a fictional character.
Meet David Qin, from Terry Moore's Strangers in Paradise.
Which, for the last time, Helen and Sarah, is a comic book graphic novel.
David, I'd like to think, looks like this in real life:

Oh, yes. Daniel Henney. Mmhmm.

Currently listening to: Anna Nalick - Catalyst. (click to listen)

Saturday, October 10, 2009

"If the world is ending, I'm throwing a party."

This one is for Vivien Tan.
Because she is S-P-E-C-I-A-L.
The Chinese girl who jumped out in front of me two years ago, yelling, "This boy is in my class."
I cracked up, and she's been my friend since then.
So, this is her day - the girl whom I've known for two years.
Who's finally 15, and sitting for PMR, and who wants to tutor Amy and I with History.
Vivien, or Bunwoman, never fails to remind me what an absolute nutcase I am.
But she forgets - your friends are a reflection of you, and I'm just a reflection of her own craziness.
She should know - her heart is like her lips. B-I-G.
Vivien makes me laugh and be thankful that there are people like her around.
We've only been friends for two years, and I act like we've been friends for 15.
Well, we'll make it happen - many more years to come.
Vivien Tan Wei Wen.
Happy fuckin' birthday!
I love you and your huge lips lots.
-- Ninny. :)

Thursday, October 08, 2009

--my party is better than yours.

What iz you doin' at Serbia? O_O

Went for a fun-eral on Tuesday in Malacca, wore shorts, had Taiwan noodles, was with Naz, more updates about it to come.

Oh, and Amy, that was my Confirmation cake. :)

Currently listening to: Basement Jaxx ft. Martina Sorbara - Take Me Back to Your House (click to listen, duh)

Thursday, October 01, 2009

--fuck. :)

Shit happens, but I'm handling it.

Oh, and never smack Naz's ass.

Your hand will get broken, bitches, quite literally (take it from me).

Okay, yeah, I'm off to study the beauty that is Amelie Commerce. :)

And those of you from BJ who miss me, I'll be there tomorrow!


Currently listening to: Kate Nash - I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How to Dance with You (as usual, click to listen).