Sunday, March 23, 2008


.best friend survey.

Do you have a best friend?

Who is your best friend?
Read the survey and guess.

How long have you known your best friend?
Four years, both of them.

Do you tell your best friend everything?
Mostly. Unless I forget.

Do you tell your best friend things you don't tell your partner?

What do you enjoy doing most with your best friend?
Laughing. Hanging out. Talking on the phone. Almost everything.

What is your best memory of your best friend?
Too many. I'd crash of I posted them.

What is your worst memory of your best friend?
When we were in Form 1 and thet bitch screwed us all in front of the whole Prefects' Board. And when she charged down the stairs, crying that she broke the toilet tap.

Do you and your best friend like the same things?
No. I like Amelie. She likes Orlando. She likes Mika.

Have you and your best friend ever dated the same person?
No, but we've liked the same person. And, no.

Do you think you will still be in contact with your best friend in 25 years?
YES. What the hell are you trying to say?

What is the one thing you would change about your best friend?
Their opinion about my "bisexuality".

What is the one thing your best friend would change about you?
My opinion about my "bisexuality."

If your best friend moved away, would you be able to cope?
NO! I'm nothing if I'm not with her. She's the Yin to my Yang. The sweetness to my sarcasm.

.have you ever.

Given a Hickey?

Had a one night stand?
Define one night stand.

Made someone cry?
Yes. I'm a bitch.

Opened your Christmas presents early?

Eaten food that fell on the floor?
Yeah. M&Ms.

Been caught cheating?
Sadly, yes.

Been caught naked?

Flashed someone?
Not by choice. I got pantsed.

Gone out without underwear on?
No. I love underwear.

Got into a fist fight?
Hello, this is me we're talking about. Of course.

Swallowed bath water?
Nope. Ew.

Thrown up in public?

Been so drunk you can't walk?

Peed in public?
No. Ew.

Broken wind and blamed someone else?
Nope. I should, though.

Done something mean you regretted?
Yes. Sorry, Delta.

Ever played pull my finger?

.perfect partner.

How tall should they be?
Five feet, nine inches.

What should they weigh?
Sixty-nine kilograms.

What hair color should they have?
Sun-bleached blonde. Smart blonde! =)

What kind of personality should they have?
Funny, sweet, mature, non-smoker.

Older or younger?
13 years older.

Serious or carefree?
Depending on the situation.

Spontainous or hesitant?

Brutally honest or tight-lipped?
Depending on the situation.

Beautiful or intelligent?
She's both!

Movie or a restuarnt?
BED and breakfast, hahahahahaa. Nah, movie.

What film actor should they most be like?
Kate Moennig is sexy... A Kate Moennig-Rose Rollins hybrid?

What singer should they most be like?
...Shirley Manson?

Should they make all the money?

Do they need to cook?
She says she's not the world's best cook, she does.

What is their best body part?
HER ABS! Have you seen them? Oh, and her ears are way cute!

What body part do you not care about?
Uh, her nose?

Desk job or physical labour?
She's a goddamn tennis player. What d'you think?

What car should they drive?
Something sleek, fast and sexy.

What one thing completely turns you off?
No sense of humor. Delayed response.

What one thing completely turns you on?

.would you.

Would you eat a bug?

Would you bungee jump?
Been there, done that. 2004, AJ Hackett, NZ.

Would you hang glide?
I want to.

Would you kill someone?
Gerlandine Filiol, watch it!

Would you kiss someone of the same sex?
*raises eyebrow*

Would you parachute from a plane?

Would you walk on hot coals?
No. I have nice feet and I just got a pedicure.

Would you be a vegitarian?
No. I'm a carnivore.

Would you instant message a stranger?
Only if they IM first.

Would you sing karaoke?
Yeah. Done it.

Would you run a red light?
Sure. Once I get my licence.

Would you shoplift?
No need.

Would you dye your hair blue?
I was thinking more like pink.

Would you be on survivor?
No. Mother Nature hates me.

Would you wear make-up in public?

Would you not wear make-up in public?

Would you cheat on a test?
Done it.

Would you make someone cry?

Would you date someone more than 10 years older than you?
The person I want to date is 13 years older than me.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

The Top 16 Stephanie-Jo Fernandez Do's and Don'ts

Okay, Helen here. Forgive me if this post sucks, but this is my first time blogging so I’m not very good at it. Steph called me recently and yelled, no, demanded that I keep her blog ‘alive’, and not just through the chatbox. (There goes our plan, Vivien.)

So. Straight to the point. I have been Steph’s best friend for four years, and trust me, that’s a long time, especially with Steph. I’m kinda an expert now, so I thought I’d post this up - I’ve wanted to do this since Moral class two years ago. So, sixteen Do’s and Don’t ’s for the sixteen years we lived practically next door to each other and still never met each other.

The Top Sixteen Stephanie-Jo Fernandez Do’s and Don’ts

16. DO ask if she has the ‘special’ eyes – even if they’re really contact lenses.

15. DON’T pinch her cheeks and squeal “Steffie-JO!” – even on Christmas Day.

14. DO try your best to keep up with her new-name-every-day policy, even if you wind up just calling her ‘Steph’ anyway.

13. DON’T insult Sanjaya Malakar - even if he is HORRENDOUSLY ugly.

12. DO mention her ass and upper arms so you feel good about yourself.
[ Just kidding, Steph ;) you lose weight faster than me anyway.]

11. DON’T attempt to clean her pencilbox or you will get hit.

10. DO pretend you like ‘disturbing’ books and videos – even if your religion says it’s wrong, Steph thinks it’s a new religion.

9. DON’T bother to argue about what she’s saying when she starts talking about her little tyko cousin Marcus with the fantastic pointing finger and cute commanding tone or she will hit you anyway, even if you have never touched her pencilbox.

8. DO talk cheerfully, openly, and comfortably to her extremely nice parents so she feels uncomfortable.

7. DON’T scream (like Sarah and I did) when you find out she has a RED SKIRT in her wardrobe. (Secret busted! Sorry, Steph, but I just HAD to put this in. Consider it revenge for the pink handbag pic; now we’re even. You know you love me…)

6. DO remind her to keep her voice down, even if you get hit for this too.

5. DON’T break her eyeliner while using it to draw circles on your wrist.

4. DO be honest and tell her that her brand new gray Converse pencilbox looks nothing like a shoe and instead looks more like a dirty sagging rectangle, even if Sarah disagrees because she feels sorry for Steph.

3. DON’T let her dog run out of the gate or Steph will chase after it and you will stand there laughing like a maniac as you watch her run.

2. DO ask her how many A’s she got in the UPSR if you’re meeting her for the first time; this kiasu question will make you best friends for a minimum of four years, right, Steph? ;)


1. DON’T touch her hair.

Enough said.

Gas tanks full of love,


oh, yeah...

Happy 19th Birthday to my favourite DJ in the whole world. I love you very much, Carmen Morales, and though it's arguable that we've spent almost as much time apart as we have together, we've lasted a year through throwing things, puke and dead grandparents. I've put up with your endless techno and you've put up with my tuneless band.

Te amo y no puedo vivir sin ti.
Tu amore,

.why I <3 my mom.

1. My mother taught me TO APPRECIATE A JOB WELL DONE.
"If you're going to kill each other, do it outside. I just finished cleaning."

2. My mother taught me RELIGION.
"You better pray that stain will come out of the carpet."

3. My mother taught me about TIME TRAVEL.
"If you don't straighten up, I'm going to knock you into the middle of next week!"

4. My mother taught me LOGIC.
"Because I said so, that's why."

5. My mother taught me MORE LOGIC.
"If you fall off that skateboard, you're not going to Mid Valley with me."

6. My mother taught me FORESIGHT.
"Make sure you wear clean underwear, in case you're in an accident."

7. My mother taught me IRONY.
"Keep shouting, and I'll give you something to shout about."

8. My mother taught me about the science of OSMOSIS.
"Shut your mouth and eat your dinner."

9. My mother taught me about CONTORTIONISM.
"Will you look at that dirt on the back of your shirt!"

10. My mother taught me about STAMINA.
"You'll sit there until all those vegetables are gone."

11. My mother taught me about WEATHER.
"This room of yours looks as if a tornado went through it."

12. My mother taught me about HYPOCRISY.
"If I told you once, I've told you a million times. Don't exaggerate!"

13 My mother taught me the CIRCLE OF LIFE.
"I brought you into this world, and I can take you out."

14. My mother taught me about BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION.
"Stop acting like your grandfather!"

15. My mother taught me about ENVY.
"There are millions of less fortunate children in this world who don't have wonderful parents like you do."

16. My mother taught me about ANTICIPATION.
"Just wait until we get home."

17. My mother taught me about RECEIVING.
"You are going to get it when you get home!"

18. My mother taught me MEDICAL SCIENCE.
"If you don't stop crossing your eyes, they are going to freeze that way."

19. My mother taught me ESP.
"Put your hoodie on; don't you think I know when you are cold?"

20. My mother taught me HUMOR.
"When that lawn mower cuts off your toes, don't come running to me."

21. My mother taught me HOW TO BECOME AN ADULT.
"If you don't eat your vegetables, you'll never grow up."

22. My mother taught me GENETICS.
"You're just like your grandfather."

23. My mother taught me about my ROOTS.
"Shut that door behind you. Do you think you were born in a bus stop?"

24. My mother taught me WISDOM.
"When you get to be my age, you'll understand."

25. And my favorite: My mother taught me about JUSTICE.
"One day you'll have kids, and I hope they turn out just like you!"

So, yeah...

1. When is the last time you actually hung out with your top friends?
Top friends are overrated.

2. What's bothering you right now?
The fact that I might have alcohol poisoning from Carmen's bash last night.

3. Would you share a drink with a stranger?
No. Duh.

4. What kind of phone do you have?
Motorola V3xx. Muy bien.

5. Wallpaper on your computer's desktop?
The L Word. Can't wait for Season 5 to come out on DVD here, dammit.

6. Wallpaper on your phone?
AMELIE MAURESMO MY FUTUREWIFEYYY! She's mine, Geraldine Filiol. Eat shit and die.

7. Next time you will hug someone?
This evening?

8. Where was your default picture taken?
Uh, in Bangsar. I think.

9. Is there something about you that you don't think you'd ever tell anyone?

10. Are you wearing anything on your feet?
Toe ring.

11. What is the last thing you drank today?
Some yogurt thingy.

12. Closest black object?
My phone.

13. Who was the last person to talk to you on the phone?

14. Who was the last person to send you a text message?
Helen Sneha!

15. If you could have one person with you right now who would it be?
My grandpa; Antony Joseph Fernandez.

16. Listening to..?
*blushes* Reggaeton. Shhh....

17. Anyone you want to kill?
I have a list, but Carin and I are gonna kill Geraldine Filiol right after SPM.

18. What do you want?
My grandpa to be here now. Amelie Mauresmo to date me. A new phone. Cash!

19. What are you eating?

20. Have you hit someone today?
Nope. It's Carmen's birthday, so I can't.

21. Do you believe in soul mates?
Sorry, no.

22. What is the last text in your inbox?
From Nick: Ah... And I'm expecting that picture makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up and your toes curl? XD

23. Where do you want to live when you get older?
Los Angeles. Paris. London. Anywhere but here.

24. What do you want to be when you grow up?
Mentally stable. Hahaha, no, I'd wanna be so famous I could host the Emmy awards with Ellen DeGeneres. Performing arts.

25. Where do you live?

26. What did you do last night?
Went to Carmen's 19th birthday party and got pissdrunk.

27. Do you miss someone right now?

28. Do you think they miss you too?
I hope so.

29. What are you going to do after this?
Sleep some more.

30. Where are your bestfriends?
Helen's at home, I guess... Carin too (maybe). Naz is here with me. NO idea about anyone else...

31. Do you prefer day or night?

32. Have you ever slept over 12 hours?
I've done a whole damn day. Twenty-four hours.

33. How good is your eyesight?
Not good. But I have contacts.

34. What are your plans for tomorrow?
Church. Sleep. Carmen. Melanie. Tae Kwan Do.

35. Whose house did you go to last?

36. Who honestly knows everything about you?
Helen. Carin. Kavya. Pooja. Daphne. Sophie. Nick. Leann.

37. Vanilla or Chocolate?

38. What do you wear more: shorts,slacks, jeans, or sweat pants?
Board shorts and cargo pants.

39. How would your friends describe you?
Depends on who you ask. Funny, crazy and from Vivien: She's NOT bisexual.

40. How old do you want to be when you settle down or get married?
When I ask Amelie Mauresmo and she says yes.

41. Anyone broken your heart?
Yeah. Made me the bitch I am today.

42. Have you ever waved to someone and realized it wasn't the person?

43. What have you learned recently?
To play the violin.

44. Would you choose love over money?
Amelie comes with money...

45. Are you excited for school?
Only cause Mimi and Lili and Dada are in my class.

46. Someone on your mind?
I'll tell you when I find it. I've temporarily lost my mind.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Invincibility lies in defence, but chances of victory come when you go forward.
--Amelie Mauresmo.


Monday, March 10, 2008

10 Signs that the WTA (Womens' Tennis Association) is Getting too Sexy...

10. Center court today, centerfold tomorrow.

9. Amelie Mauresmo's new girlfriend is a bigger story than the 17-year-old who was runner-up in Wimbledon last year.

8. That would explain why that woman in the soft porn movie from last night was holding a tennis raquet this afternoon.

7. Hookers are starting to dress like Maria Sharapova. (Sorry, just had to do this.)

6. People are actually tuning in to watch tennis.

5. Your Time magazine is where you left it but the Tennis issue keeps finding its way to your lover's desk.

4. Post match handshake - out. Post match French kiss - in.

3. No panties required.

2. More hot babes in Wimbledon than in Westminster.

1. Billy Jean King announces she's coming out of retirement.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Amelie Clips

*laughs in a creepy stalkerish way*



He left a card, a bar of soap and a scrubbing brush next to a note,
That said, "Use these down to your bones",
And before I knew I had shiny skin and it felt easy being clean like him,
I thought, "This one knows better than I do".
Missy Higgins is one awesome musician. I wish I'd known about her when I went to Australia a couple of years ago, but never mind, there's always this July when I leave for World Youth Day. According to mom, my faith will be rejuvenated (sp?). Whatever. Anyway, my parents went to vote and Naz kicked up a big fuss about how sucky (take that, GODMA) it was to not be a registered voter. This is what happens when your cousin gets involved with someone who wats to "change the world" and all that crap. Leann, honey, you can do so much better. Someone who actually behaves like a semi-normal, couldn't-care-less 18-year-old, anyway.
A triangle trying to squeeze through a circle,
He tried to cut me so I'd fit,
And doesn't that sound familiar?
Doesn't that hit too close to home?
Doesn't that make you shiver;T
he way things could've gone?
And doesn't it feel peculiar,
When everyone wants a little more?
And so that I do remember to never go that far,
Could you leave me with a scar?
Sports Day just finished and I spent pretty much the whole day with Amelia Marie, Ann Marie's sister, who's decided that I am her inspiration. The girl even knows where I live, which is a little bit scary. I feel my ego growing, though. And Amelie Mauresmo is hot!!! I'm watching this youtube video of her which I will post sooner or later (very possibly sooner) and her smile is, like, amazing. Sylvie Bourdon, if you do not break up with her within six months, I'll hit you. She's too good to be with a fugly __________ (insert bad word of your choice here). Oh, oh, did I mention that she looks good in a bun? She's like the best-looking bunwoman (no offence to everyone's favourite Bunwoman, but there's, like, no comparison between you and Amelie).
So the next one came with a bag of treats,
She smelled like sugar and spoke like the sea,
And she told me, "Don't trust them, trust me",
Then she pulled at my stitches one by one,
Looked at my insides, clicking her tongue,
And said, "This will all have to come undone".
I spent the whole week doing pretty much nothing. We celebrated Aunty Jac's birthday last Sunday night and we went and got her a cake which said, "Happy 21st++". I cut class with half the school on Wednesday. When I went up to 4 Gemilang, Pn. Tan was there, gossipping with all the Chinese guys and she didn't even look up when I went out of the class again. Weirdo. I got pantsed on Wednesday night. Remind me never to wear my suft shorts without a belt when Eva and Naz are around. I was wearing purple (like REALLY purple) CottonShop underwear and they thought I'd be having boxers on. The undies had little diamondthingys spelling out CS on them and Carmen smacked me upside the haed and yelled, "OHMIGOD! SHARMEN UNDIES!" I have to say, that was pretty funny. I hate Naz and Eva. I do. Really.
A triangle trying to squeeze through a circle,
She tried to cut me so I'd fit,
And doesn't that sound familiar?
Doesn't that hit too close to home?
Doesn't that make you shiver;
The way things could have gone?
And doesn't it feel peculiar,
When everyone wants a little more?
And so that I do remember to never go that far,
Could you leave me with a scar?
I watched Loving Annabelle with Naz and this is the outcome of it:
NAZ: That bitch. She…she... That bitch! I…I hate sad endings. Give me a..another handkerchief.
ME: *weird look*
NAZ: What?
ME: I didn’t know you were so sensitive.
NAZ: Shut up. They were meant to be. And that bitch ruined everything.
ME: Wait.
NAZ: What?
ME: The movie has an alternate ending.
NAZ: *after alternate ending* And where exactly is the ending?
ME: You didn’t get it?
NAZ: No…?
ME: Simone wasn’t accused and Annabelle went after her to her beach house.
NAZ: Oh. *pause* Next lesbian movie, please?
And I realized just in time,
Although my old self was hard to find,
You can bathe me in your finest wine but I'll never give you mine,
Cause I'm a little bit tired of fearing that I'll be the bad fruit nobody buys,
Tell me, did you think we'd all dream the same?
I'm sorry for the "Come here, go away" trip I've been putting you through. I have nothing, nobody to blame except myself. And I don't know if you'll understand this, but I kept doing it because I want you - and I don't ever want to hurt you.
And doesn't that sound familiar?
Doesn't that hit too close to home?
Doesn't that make you shiver;
The way things could have gone?
And doesn't it feel peculiar,
When everyone wants a little more?
And so that I do remember to never go that far,
Could you leave me with a scar?
Could you leave me with a scar?
