Thursday, May 29, 2008

.i see red.


Wednesday, May 28, 2008

.french open conversations.

ME: Ahhhhh.... FUCK.
NAZ: Eh, don't. She got the point.
ME: Yeah. WOOHOO! *dances around crazily*
NAZ: Uhm. Okay.
ME: Look at that BITCH! She's sending Amelie all around the court! Not FAIR!
NAZ: She won the point, Steph.
ME: Oh. Yeah. OHMIGOD, SHE WON THE GAME!!! *sighs* I want her.
NAZ: Hm. I want her shoes. *grins*
ME: *smacks Naz* Shaddup. She's doing the eyepoke thing.
NAZ: Shit, that was easy.
ME: No, it only looked easy because she's SMART.
NAZ: Ah, whatever. She's obviously gonna win this. Look at that shot.
ME: *sings* She is BEEYOOOOHTEEFOOOOOL, no matter what they say.
NAZ: Babe, calm down. I've seen enough of Amelie to know that this isn't okay.
ME: No! She's gonna win! What do you know, bitch?
NAZ: Steph. I'm nineteen. I was nine when she came out.
ME: Serious shit? *counts* Oh, yeah. Do you still have the newspaper article or whatever?
NAZ: Are you really asking me that? *looks at me* Oh, you are, aren't you?
ME: Duh, you fat. Fuck, did you see that?
NAZ: I'm watching the same TV as you...
ME: Ah, she's winning! *opens another Coke* She looks good in blue.
NAZ: If she didn't win on her serve, something's not quite right.
ME: Are you suggesting that there's something wrong with Amelie?
NAZ: Did she lose her serve?
ME: *smacks Naz* No. She won, Rihanna!
NAZ: Honey, if she wins this, she's through.
ME: I know. Just the sheer knowledge of - YAY!!!!
NAZ: *sighs* Oh, hey, your futurewife grunts, too.
ME: As long as she doesn't - Shit, that was a gorgeous shot. My girl's in it to win it! And do you see Geraldine Filiol in the crowd?
NAZ: Steph, she's with the WTA, too, remember? She probably had to work or something. I'm sure she wishes she was there with Amelie as much as you do.
ME: Shhh. Stop talking, idiot. It's an advantage for that crazybitch. Anyway, I bet I wish I was with Amelie more than she does. Plus, we look better together. Opposites attract.
NAZ: Shit, did you hear the home-based support she's getting? And yes, opposites do attract. In this-
ME: SHUT UP! SHE WON! OHMYGOD. I could kiss you! *hugs Naz* But I won't. You're not minging, but you're Leann's.
NAZ: Yes, yes, love you too.
ME: Aw, she permed her hair. SO cute. *swoons* And she won 7 - 5, 4 - 6, 6 - 1. Brilliant.
NAZ: *sighs again* You are SO Attention Deficit.

Pictures, as promised:

-you look so good in blue-

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

.gah, I'm hotter.

Geraldine: Hey, Amelie, there's a scrunchy sale over there...
Amelie: Pssht, yeah, I know. I bought twenty already.
(Someone PLEASE reassure me that I'm hotter than Geraldine is)

Yup, I'm a sucker for this woman. Light blue is her colour. Will post pictures later.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

.amy's OTHER tag.

Instructions : Remove one question from below (I did the last one), and add in your personal question, make it a total of 20 questions, then tag 3 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post.

1. At what age do you wish to marry?
Whenever. If I'm 26, Amelie'll be *counts* 39. That works.

2. If you have the chance, what would you probably say to your beloved one?
"If it came down to being right, and protecting you, I'd be wrong every time." You know who you are.

3. If sex is a game, would you be good at it?
Heheheh. Ask Carmen or Mel KF.

4. Where is the place that you want to go the most?
Geneva, Switzerland. Here I come, Amelie!

5. If you can have one dream come true, what would it be?
Go to Switzerland, confess undying love to Amelie, get married and have three kids with her. Oh, yes please.

6. Do you believe you can survive without money?
NO. Are you crazy?

7. What are you afraid to lose the most?
Already lost my mind. What else? My dog. My friends. My family. I don't want Amelie to die.

8. If you win $1 million, what would you do?
It's Switzerland for me, Amy, Vivien, Helen, Carin and Sarah. Stalking Amelie hotstuff who SHOWERS and BATHES.

9. If someone broke your hand, what would you do?
Go to the hospital and see Darah. Then break that asshole's neck.

10. List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you.
. She's hilarious.
. She's pretty!
. She tells me whenever I'm about to go overboard.

11. What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?
French. Five feet, nine inches of muscle. Sun-bleached blonde. Green eyes. HOTTT accent.

12.Describe your fantasized-life.
Living THE life with Amelie and kids by my side and huge houses in Tuscany, Hawaii, New York, Los Angeles, France, England and Switzerland respectively. Sports cars. Dogs. Moneyy.

13. What is your ambition?
Probably something in performing arts. Viva DIRTNOTE!

14. What is the thing that will make you think someone is bad?
First impressions.

15. What are the is the most important things in your life?
Family and friends. My dog. Amelie.

16.Are you a shopaholic or not?
Shh. I bought three pairs of Samuel and Kevin cargos on Saturday.

17. If you have a chance, which part of your character would you like to change?
I wouldn't be screwed over so much.

18. Do you believe in yourself?
Yes. In a weird way.

19. Honestly, do you think life is fair?
No. If life was fair, I'd be sitting in Tuscany right now, holding hands with Amelie and sharing a bottle of red wine.

20. Why are you racist?
Because there are bitches who try to steal the person who would've been your girlfriend if you had been quicker.

I tag:

Saturday, May 24, 2008

.ninny's a-z.

A - Available

B - Best Friend
Bombastic. Treehugger. Nazi #1 & 2. Asshooliganpaedophile (Aw, Naz, you know I love you).

C - Crush
Amelie Simone Mauresmo.

D - Dad's Name
Patrick Fernandez.

E - Easiest Person To Talk To
Carin, Helen and Naz.

F - Favorite Band

G - Gummy Bears Or Worms

H - Hometown

I - Instrument
Violin, drums and guitar.

J - Job
No, thanks.

K - Kids
Not yet.

L - Longest Car Ride
That one time when we SMART people decided to drive up to Thailand.

M - Milk Flavor

N - Number Of Pets
Two. A dog, Cadbury (my pride and joy) and a fish, Corbin. Does Bianca count?

O - One Wish
Amelie Mauresmo to appear in front of my so I can ask her out and get my happy ending.

P - Phobias
Lizards. My parents discovering my sexuality along with me. Your mother.

Q - Favorite Quote
Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. -- Dr. Seuss.

R - Reason To Smile
French Open starting soon. Amelie in pink. Quin de la Pica Morales.

S - Song You Last Heard
Vanessa Carlton - Hands on Me. BRILLIANT.

T - Time You Woke Up
Heheheh, don't ask.

U - Unknown Fact About Me
When I sacrifice my sleep just to stay up to talk to someone, I REALLY like (yes, in THAT way, of you don't know who you are, you're dumber than I thought) that person, and want to be with them as much as possible.

V - Vegetable
Fave: Tomato. Worst: Brocolli.

W - Worst Habits
I curse a lot and I'm messy.

X - X-Rays You've Had
My leg, 1999. My head, 2006. My ribcage, 2008.

Y - Your Favorite Food
Anything with Chocolate. Helen's sister's brownies.

Z - Zodiac Sign

I tag: Amanda. Amy. Pik Ee. Daphne. Vivien. Chee Meng.

Friday, May 23, 2008

.amelie simone mauresmo random facts and pictures entry01.

She likes the movie Se7en. And Robin Williams. And MUSIC. Says she can't live in silence, she must have music whenever. She likes Japanese food - Sushi. Amyy, let's take her after going to Fida's house for Malay food! She has to eat pasta all the time and she stutters when she does interviews. SO cute. She prefers to play at Wimbledon, cause she doesn't have to think so much on the grass (very me, I hate thinking, too!). She says she's proved to herself that she's one of the best players in the world (EGO!), but it's cute, anywayz. She answers people with, "Yeah? *smiles* Hi." which is fucking ADORABLE and ends with, "Uhm. Thanks. *smiles*" She's got this totally HOT accent and she could read me the BIBLE and I'd be drooling.

"Yup, that's what I'd like to do. Slap you, you suck."

"Did you just pee on me?"

"No, seriously. My eyes ARE green."

All together now: Awwwwww...

"Okay, I know my abs are enough to make a million women in the world start drooling, but do you REALLY have to take the picture now??"

"Aw, c'mon, you guys. I'm not carrying everybody's!"

"I swear! That's NOT my tattoo!"

"Hu- What? What's the score?"

"Yeah, you don't like David Cook, either, do you?"

"Yes, good trophy."

I just like this shot. Helen, help with the caption?

"I'm gonna get you, Mary Pierce!"

"God, why'd I have to hit that space ball? Now I'm gonna be here signing autugraphs ALL night. Loic, cancel my flight!"

"Yes, I know. I'm fabulous. Deal with it, Masha." (Masha MAria+SHArapova)

Geraldine Filiol, here's the cue for you to hold her. Hell, I would.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008



With teh sexgods that call themselves the French junior hockey team.

With my new brother-in-law, Quin Tres de la Pica Morales. Carmen's new puppy.

I want this puppy! Its julingness is WAY cute. Plus, it reminds me of Amelie, because of...

...this. Ame's puppies are cuter, though.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Head Like a Hole

Head Like a Hole

God money,
I'll do anything for you,
God money
Just tell me what you want me to,
God money,
Nail me up against the wall,
God money,
Don't want everything,
He wants it all.
Bitch, I have no patience for anyone like you. First, you're such a goddamn bimbo. There's more problems in the world than getting your eyebrows plucked and your hair trimmed. What the fuck is up with you thinking that I LIKE you? Didn't you see my t-shirt, the one I wore to the Dirtnote gig that I saw you at the other day. It said, "Sorry, girls. I only date models." Even Nick, the nicest NICE guy ever thinks you're a dumbshit AND you're hideous. Go ask Amy to teach you how to take pictures instead of filling your blog with that filth. Do you not understand that no matter what's going around backstage, I'm JUST NOT INTO YOU. You're way too slutty, fugly and just too fucking insincere for me to EVER like you. Plus, you're no Natalie Portman (more like Lindsay Lohan, you crack-whore) however you may want to act like her, so you really should stay away from me if you know what's good for you and you don't want me to break your face, but maybe that would be an improvement. For you.
No, you can't take it,
No, you can't take that away from me,
Head like a hole,
Black as your soul,
I'd rather die than give you control.
Anyway, today, we celebrated grandma's birthday. To be honest, her birthday's not until the 26th of May, but we're pretty tied up on the 26th, so we took her out for dinner today. We (Carmen, Mel, Clea, Darah and me) jammed into Carmen's car and met the rest of them (Aunty Maryann, mom, dad, Grandma, Aunty Jess and Bianca) at the Palace of the Golden Horses. We camwhored like shit and I got the opportunity to take a picture with the junior French hockey team. God, the guys there were SERIOUSLY cute. Way cuter than Aiden (sorry, hon. You know you're MY cutest!) or Nick (haha, you'd have LIKED them). They were really nice, too and professional with their picture-taking thingy. We got the whole thing over in less than four minutes. You guys should be able to see the pictures on my account by Tuesday.
Bow down before the one you serve,
You're going to get what you deserve.
At the beach at Palace (yes, the very fake manmade one), I wanted to dunk Clea into the water, but it didn't happen cause she ran off. The girl can run! It was kinda scary to see, actually. She just... RAN AWAY from the four of us. AND she was wearing flipflops (flojos). I pulled off my Reebok Net Pros and pink ankle socks that Mel got me and ran after her, anyway. It was such a total shitload of fun and it took my mind off that CRAZY BITCH. No, not Mrs Tan, the other stickupherass bitch who thinks I have such awful taste as to actually LIKE her. Come on, if I was gonna like someone like that, it'd probably be Amelie Mauresmo. Oh, shit, I already DO like her, so bitch, you can just eat shit and die. I'd probably laugh.
God money's,
Not looking for the cure,
God money's,
Not concerned with the sick among the pure,
God money,
Let's go dancing on the backs of the bruised,
God money's
Not one to choose.
Exams are going on at SMKBJ and as usual, everyone's cheating. Carin got caught helping Kiran, Amelia and Tiru and Eu Jyn and Ben got caught. As for the rest of us, we're too smart and criminally-inclined to let the teachers know when we're copying answers, no? They should make Cheating an SPM subject. I'd pass with flying colours (with a little help from Shafida, who always saves the day). I had quite an interesting conversation with Leann the other day while we were trying to watch the tennis balls instead of Jelena Jankovic (who's actually quite hot, in a strange way) and Alize Cornet (who is French and therefore we sould support her). I was actually supporting Jelena, who knocked out Casey Dellaqua (bloody one-hit wonder) after Dellaqua beat Amelie Mauresmo in the Australian Open. Go, Jelena! We love your divaliciousness!
No, you can't take it,
No, you can't take that away from me,
Head like a hole,
Black as your soul,
I'd rather die than give you control.
LEANN: Eyh, Steph. *nudges my shoulder*
ME: Mmhmm. What? *moves away*
LEANN: How come you have so many Chinese friends?
ME: Do I? Uh, Helen's not Chinese. Neither is Naz or Carmen, right?
LEANN: But, like, the other day during the movie, you were with fivemillion Chinese girls.
ME: *raises eyebrow* Does it bother you?
LEANN: No, but see... I'm half Chinese, right? And even I don't wanna date a Chinese.
ME: Woman. Who said anything about me dating a Chinese? I don't think I ever will. What are the three things I look at?
LEANN: Abs, boobs and butt. *laughs* No. Side profile. Oh, yeah. Eyes. Oh, okay. I get it. But WHY the Chinese entourage.
ME: Because I'm half Chinese. Oh, crap, sorry. That's you and Rissa, not me. *snorts sarcastically and continues watching*
LEANN: *hits me*
Bow down before the one you serve,
You're going to get what you deserve,
Head like a hole,
Black as your soul,
I'd rather die than give you control.
Okay, there's a reason I'm using this song. Reason is simple; BITCH, ohmygod, you WHORE!!! ISWEARTOGOD, I'd rather DIE than date you, because no matter WHAT YOU THINK, I'm not into you. I'd rather spend the night listening to Norah Jones than date you. I'd rather pierce shards of glass into my eyes than date you. God, does anyone know where I can hire a sniper, ASAP? It's sortakinda important that I get a good and effective one.
Bow down before the one you serve,
You're going to get what you deserve,
You know who you are.


I wanna be the guy who gets to put SPF whatever on her!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

.usted es mi todo.

"Te amo."
"Te amo también."
"Siento. Nunca otra vez. Es usted. Nunca tocaré a nadie más otra vez. ¿Amamos el uno al otro bastante para trabajar por este?"
"Sé que hago. No puedo hablar para usted."
"Hago. Tan totalmente mucho. No sé hacer este. Soy malo en ello."
"Usted no puede desechar todo el asunto cuando las cosas se hacen ásperas."
"Todo que sé es que si estropeo este, soy jodido, porque usted es ello para mí."
"Te amo tanto."
"Tan haga yo. Perdón grité. Usted tenía razón."
"Vaya a la conversación sobre ello mañana. Soy agotado. No puedo hablar de este más esta noche."

Sé que puedo ser un idiota enorme; irreflexivo y mudo a veces, pero pase lo que pase hago, le puse primero. Usted es el único quién no vio directamente por mí y para que, le amaré siempre. Usted me cambió y me hizo una mejor persona desde el primer día que encontramos. Usted vio el verdadero mí y le dejé entrar porque confío en usted. Usted vio mis faltas, usted gastó rasgones sobre mí y para esto y usted todavía me picoteaba otras más de un millón de muchachas, y para esto, le amo. Gracias.

I know I can be a huge idiot; thoughtless and dumb at times, but no matter what I do, I put you first. You're the only one who didn't see right through me and for that, I will love you always. You changed me and made me a better person since the first day we met. You saw the real me and I let you in because I trust you. You saw my faults, you wasted tears over me and for that and you still picked me over a million other girls, and for that, I love you. Thank you.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

.almost forgot.

Naz and I were bored today. Like REALLY bored. Bored SHITLESS. So we looked through all the Amelie pictures on my computer and we captioned them! Yess, we are not only gorgeous, but charming and witty specimens of homosexuals. Shit, I meant SAPIENS. HomoSAPIENS.

Ame: *whispers* Hey Sveta...?

Sveta: *whispers* Yeah Ame?

Ame: Any idea how long this award ceremony will last? ...Because I’m starving.

Sveta: No idea, but I was just thinking of the same…

Ame: Hey, next time you come to Paris we've got to visit this local bakery.

Sveta: Sure, do I know it?

Ame: I don’t think so, it’s brand new… It’s called “The Double Bagel”, I know the owner.

Sveta: Yeah yeah yeah, I got a customer card… They’re going to name a bagel after you.

Ame: You’re not serious!

Sveta: Shhhhh, ceremory is about to start.

Sveta: I will call Double Bagel to order!

Amelie: Yeah right, my bar is write next to that shop, I'll be faster.

Nadia: Hmmm, plain bagel, uh, or maybe chocholate one... Oh what the heck, I love them all! Hit me!

Sveta: By the way, Double Bagel also does worldwide delivery, just give them a call and you don't have to eat those salad in the hotel, dudes...

Chinese MC telling Amelie that this is her bagel's name in Chinese.

Someone in the audience: YOU'RE MY FAVORITE BAGEL!!!
Amelie: Thanks, love you too... Uh, hang on. I have four, I can give you one.

Amelie: Hmm...Sveta kindly treated me to one, but I'm still hungry... Got to get one of those choco bagels... Wonder how long it will take to ship from Paris to Beijing?

Amelie: Hey Serena, wanna head over to the Double Bagel? The whole gang will be there...

Serena: Nahhhh, I'm on a diet.


Roger: Really? The "Everything" bagel is named after me?

Amelie: Why did I volunteer to deliver bagels to the mansion at the top of the hill? This bag is getting heavy... People go through great lengths to get their bagels.

Amelie: Mmmm, aw-right! Here comes my choco bagel... I've been waiting for it all day!

Mary: hey Ame

Ame: yeah Mary

Mary: I can fit two dozens bagels in my bowl, how many do can you fit into your vase?

Ame: Huh?



dumbfuck&dumbfuck, inc.

.finish the sentence.

My ex... blonde.

Maybe I should... for exams.

I love...
...Amelie Simone Mauresmo with all my heart.

People would say that I'm...
...funny like Ellen.

I don't understand...

When I wake up in the morning...
...I desperately want to go back to sleep.

I lost...
...a stupid bet with Naz.

Life is full of...

My past is... not something I like to remember.

I get annoyed when...
...bitches talk duing movies in the theatre.

Parties are... when there's alcohol.

I wish...
...I could date Amelie Mauresmo.

...are supercalifragilisticelpieledocious buddies.

...have shit that smells bad.

Tomorrow... a Sunday.

I have low tolerance...
...for people who purposely act stupid.

If I had a million dollars...
...I'd fly to Switzerland and find Amelie before Amyy does.

I'm totally terrified...
...of lizards.
Dude. That was so BIMBO. Anyway.

.half-empty or half-full?.

Wrote this last year during an upsetting time and just found it again. Decided to post it. Enjoy.

Caia Fuentes/Savannah Powell
They go over to Savannah’s hotel room after their gig and everything turns to a shade of sky blue, until Caia thinks her eyes are fooling her. They’re all rainbows and sunshine, making the room float a little. Then they’re both sitting on a couch, laughing like happily-ever-after could happen. Savannah leans over, pressing her chin into Caia’s shoulder and her mind wanders, making her vision go sort of dull. When she looks again, she finds that Savannah’s looking at her too, with something like a drowsy smirk and there’s a finger tracing her collarbone without justification. The glass is stuck to the brim and not a drop will spill. So she smiles back and the feeling in her stomach is like she’s falling easily knowing someone will catch her.

Caia Fuentes/Kadin Joshua
No one knew how they got there in the first place, it was the second time they met and spoke, and the third time that Caia heard Kadin mention the other drummer (who was conveniently elsewhere). They walked, somewhat alone, on a trail in a park, in the middle of somewhere else.
How do people do all these things? How do they manage with the running around, the endorsements and advertisements?
The questions go unanswered for a moment.
Well, they manage, you work it in somehow.
A typical answer, claims the not so towering-over-everyone-right-now blonde. She was the sought after poster girl for the queercore scene, after all, she would always make it. Kadin would smile, look the other way and look back. Caia would look straight ahead of her, but watching out of the corner of her eye, fixated on Kadin. There was a lack of exchanged comments for a while, trees rustling to break the static silence. Eyes met again, mutual smiles, the glass remains at half-full.

Caia Fuentes/Kadin Shepard
She always had a glow about her, radiating something, some kind of light maybe. And once eyes found her, they couldn’t bring themselves to look away, elsewhere at the dull surroundings of press conferences or gig stages. And lying on hotel beds at two a.m. wasn’t going to change the fact that she couldn’t look away. Caia was scared that breathing too loud might ruin whatever was going on, the glimpse of trust or something bright and happy that had shown up for the first time. Then Kadin turned around, looking at her silently, with those wide green eyes; a look that she reserves for special occasions. Then the glass goes from half full to half empty in less than a second when Kadin parts her lips to say something she knows she doesn’t have to like.

Savannah Powell/Kadin Shepard
They’re all together and it’s never happened before. They’re all together but Caia’s not really there with them and she didn’t know why (or was in denial about it). Her eyes tended to wander to the dull green of the grass and her sneakers instead of sharing words that made everyone laugh. She wanted to find something to pick at and fuss over and forget she was here, but she didn’t know why she wanted it to be that way. Before she bothers to look at them, she knows Savannah's arm will be around the other’s shoulder and the older (by a few months) will laugh, face flushed a tickled red. And the glass tips over, spilling over the counter when the laughter is finally confirmed.

Say It Again

Say It Again

The thing about love,
Is I never saw it coming,
It kinda crept up,
And took me by surprise,
And now there’s a voice inside my heart,
That’s got me wondering,
Is this true,
I want to hear it one more time,
Move in a little closer,
Take it to a whisper,
Just a little louder...
I didn't go to school today. Stayed home and slept in. Woke up a little later because Naz called and said that we'd booked the Bukit Jalil Golf and Country Club tennis courts for 10. I had twenty minutes to get ready, so had my bath and got dressed just as the black Gen2 pulled up outside my house. Painted my thumbnail black on the way. Last night, I'd seen pictures of Amelie when she smacked her tennis ball into some girl by the side of the courts, so I was kinda hyper and doing just that. Naz and I played singles for a while, just volleying the ball back and forth until Lesley and Alisa showed up all the way from Puchong and we decided to play doubles. It was kinda hard to hit the ball at Alisa since she's pretty damn good, so I gave up and made this new type of tennis, which I christened Momotennis (very creative, I know). So, Momotennis works like this:
You get 50 points when you serve at your doubles partner.
You get 25 points when you hit the ball bucket so that it falls during practice.
You get 20 points when you hit the opponent.
You get no points when you volley or smash from a close distance.
Say it again for me,
Cause I love the way it feels,
When you are telling me that I'm,
The only one who blows your mind,
Say it again for me,
It’s like the whole world stops to listen,
When you tell me you’re in love,
Say it again.
Naz got fed up since I kept hitting that dumbfuck with tennis balls. Jesus, it was so much fun. I laughed my ass off and Alisa was like, "Steph! What the fuck?!" They should seriously consider making Momotennis an Olympic sport. I'd bring home the gold medal. So today, I earned 50 points by hitting Naz (my doubles partner) when I was serving and Lesley (my opponent) didn't get any points when she volleyed from less than a meter at my leg. All the little old ladies who were walking outside the tennis courts kept looking at us like we'd gone crazy. Also the golfer guys who have noting better to do on a Friday morning. And the little kids who'd come to BJGCC to go swimming. Hahahaha, we scare little kids!
Thing about you,
Is you know just how to get me,
You talk about us,
Like there’s no end in sight,
The thing about me is that I really want to let you,
Open that door and walk into my life,
Move in a little closer,
Take it to a whisper,
Just a little louder...
Anyway, tennis with Alisa, Lesley and Naz went something like this.
ME: *hits the ball at Naz and yells into an imaginary phone* Yes! I WILL take the Billabong endorsements, thank you! *ducks away from Lesley's backhand* And I agree to take Amelie Mauresmo to the WTA awards thingy. *hits a forehand at Alisa* Oh, yeah, not forgetting to thank Motorola for their Motokrazr! *runs away from Naz's groundstroke* Whoa! Motherfucker!
ALISA: *shakes head* Is she on drugs?
NAZ: You really want to know? *dodges away from Lesley's shot* Ohmygod. What the fuck?
Whee. Fun times, people. REALLY fun. I feel VIOLENT... Anyone who wants to play Momotennis with me, feel free to let me know, yeah? I'll bring you.
Say it again for me,
Cause I love the way it feels,
When you are telling me that I’m,
The only one who blows your mind,
Say it again for me,
It’s like the whole world stops to listen,
When you tell me you’re in love.
I'm back home now and I need a shower. Whoa. You could kill a rhinoceros with the smell that's coming off my pits. Meeting Carmen for lunch because I love her too (almost as much as I love Amelie Mauresmo), then I have my English Literature and Bible Knowledge homework to finish. I've been slacking on the Bible Knowledge work. Amyy and the Bunwoman (a.k.a. The Queens of the Jungle) came over yesterday, as you can see from the previous post. Amyy had a smackdown with this annoying form 2 brat, Tamara Nathan on Wednesday over spelling the word "guess". Mz Tamara, being the smart girl she is, spelled it as "guese", not once, but TWICE and she was quite a bitch to us about it. Yesterday, though, she came and apologized to me and told me to say sorry to Amyy as well. I'll admit though, that I can be a major bitch, and it takes guts to say sorry to me. Still, I don't have to like you, Mz Queenofthejungle!
And it feels like it’s the first time,
That anybody's ever brought the sun without the rain,
And never in my whole life,
Have I heard words as beautiful as when you say my name.
Okay. I officially hate Mrs Tan, 4 Gemilang's English teacher, and I hate Muhd. Amir Amali. Why the hell do you have to be such a goddamn faggot? I know it takes balls to own up to sometjing that you did wrong, but I managed to own up about the "Ruindra Sivanarul-Celeste Tioh" thing. Why can't you say that it was your damn mistake instead of throwing all of us, who did NOTHING wrong, into the fire with you? I can't believe I was stupid enough to trust you, you bloody fucking fag. I swear, I'll fuck your boyfriend/girlfriend (since you're not even brave enoygh to admit that you're gay) and take pictures just to spite you. As for Mrs Tan, to quote one of my favourite t-shirts, go buck a fuffalo, bitch. Nobody likes you.
Say it again for me,
Cause I love the way it feels,
When you are telling me that I’m,
The only one who blows your mind,
Say it again for me,
It’s like the whole world stops to listen,
When you tell me you’re in love,
Say it again.
On a lighter note, hahahahahaha, you said you love me. YOU love me. You LOVE me. You love ME. And guess what? I love you, too. Like, a lot. *big smile*
When you tell me you’re in love,
Say it again.

Love (lots of it except to Mrs Tan and la faggot),

Thursday, May 08, 2008

qUeEns OF da JuNgl3~~

seriously, BORAT? D:

I think, .. pineapples work for abortions D:
LOTS OF LUVVVV, vivien & amy! (:

Friday, May 02, 2008

Tagged by AmyChinYeeLing...

Name: Stephanie-Jo Fernandez
Nickname: Steph, Ninny, MzConceited.
What do people normally mistake your name as: StePany. Gah. Annoying shit, I tell you.
Birthday: 15th of June.
Birthplace: Uh. Roopi Medical Centre.
Time of Birth: No blinking idea.
Single or taken: Happily married.
Zodiac sign: Monkey!

[Your Appearance]
How tall are you: 164cm, of five feet, four and a half inches.
Wish you were taller: Yes. But I'm growing.
Eye colour: Black, or whatever contact lens colour I'm wearing.
Eye colour you want: Green. Bright, light green. Blue-green.
Natural hair colour: Black.
Current hair colour: Brown-ish. Unhealthy!
Short or long hair: Long with sideswept emo bangs.
Ever dye your hair a bizarre color: At the end of this year.
Last time you did something dramatic with your hair: Uh... Year before last?
Do you wear make-up: Sometimes. Liner and gloss.
Ever had hair extensions: Nope.
Paint your nails: Yeah.

[In the opposite gender]
What color eyes: Green or blue. Blue-green or hazel-green works.
What color hair: Inky-black.
Shy or Outgoing: Outgoing. I want someone provocative and talkative.
Looks or personality: Both.
Serious or Fun: Depends on the situation.
Older or Younger than you: A little older, please.

[This or that]
Flowers or Chocolate: Chocolate.
Pepsi or Coke: Coke.
Relationship or One night stand: Uhm. *big grin*
School or work: College!
Love or money: I could go without love, but not without money.
Movie or music: Music!
Country or city: City i.e., shopping!
Sunny or rainy days: Rainy days.
Friend or family: Both.

[Have you ever]
Lied: Yeah, but I try not to.
Stole something: ... I still have Naz's Mz Fontaine album! Whee!
Hurt someone close to you: Yeah, but let's not go there, aye?
Broke someone’s heart: Yup. Funfunfun!
Had your heart broken: Yeah. Not so fun.
Wondered what was wrong with you: Every frigging day, I tell you.
Wish you were a prince/princess: Yes, of course. Just like Amyy, Princess of Monaco. $$$
Liked someone who was taken: *sigh* Don't get me started.
Shaved your head: I want to.
Used chopsticks: *sarcastically* No. And we don't live in a multi-racial society.
Sang in the mirror to yourself: Durrh.

Flowers: Black roses.
Candy: Strawberry HubbaBubba gum. Sour gummies. Chocolate!
Song: Um. Don't laugh. Carmina Burana O Fortuna, DJSuga remix. Yes, Classical.
Colour: Black + Red + White. And PINK!
Movie: Loving Annabelle (the alternate ending one)
Singer: Shirley Manson, Hayley Williams and Sarah Bettens. (Garbage, Paramore and K's Choice)
Word: Fucker.
Junk food: Fritos. Mel's fault.
Website: Hehehe.
Location: Hawaii. Then France. Then Spain.
Ever cried over someone: Who knows? KL knows.
Is there anything you wish you could change about yourself: I want more defined abs and I want to be taller. Also have a sharper nose?
Do you think you’re attractive: I DO have nice eyes and a nice side profile...
If you had to choose a fairytale as your life what would you choose: Francesca Lia Block's Charm, an edited version of Sleeping Beauty.
Do you play any sports: Tennis. Basketball.

Fact #1: I love Amelie Simone Mauresmo like you wouldn't believe.
Fact #2: I consider Naz as one of my best friends, even though we fight a lot.
Fact #3: My band, Dirtnote is my anti-drug.
Fact #4: Learning new, random things is fun for me.
Fact #5: I write a lot.
Fact #6: If you tell me to do something, I probably won't do it, and if I do, I won't do it in front of you.

I tag: ShaShaLiLi, EuEu, Carmen, Daphne, and Pik Ee.