Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Way I Am

The Way I Am

If you were falling,
Then I would catch you,
You need a light,
I'd find a match,
Cause I love the way you say good morning,
And you take me the way I am.
Ingrid Michaelson's new album, Be OK, is out! I was smart and ordered it online and it came today! It was pretty much the best thing that happened all day. I fell in love with Ingrid's voice when I first heard her on Grey's Anatomy and I was like, "Whoa!" And Ingrid' pretty cute, too. She's got the Tina Fey glasses thing going on. Anyway, today I went over to Mel's house and we watched Butch Jaime (fucking funny, I tell you!), All Over Me, Gray Matters and Imagine Me & You. Also watched a little bit of Fingersmith, which is some Victorian-century (if I'm not mistaken) thing, and was really romantic. I loves Imagine Me & You, though. It was really funny and I ended up laughing my ass off all through the movie, while providing a running commentary. Mel wasn't too impressed, though, but I thought I was pretty funny.
If you are chilly,
Here take my sweater,
Your head is aching,
I'll make it better,
Cause I love the way you call me baby,
And you take me the way I am.
"Hey, _____?"
"Fuck you!"
Haha, that was funny. Anyway, this song is really short, it's barely a minute long, so I guess the post ends with this paragraph. Go download Little Rock Star by Lucinda Williams. And of, course, not forgetting the total insane awesomeness that is Ingrid Michaelson's The Way I Am. I'm embedding the video below just so you guys can see how awesome and just plain raw it is!
I'd buy you Rogaine when you start losing all your hair,
Sew on patches to all you tear,
Cause I love you more than I could ever promise,
And you take me the way I am,
You take me the way I am.

And for Amelie?
Six letters, if they were six notes, what melody would be composed of them?
And if they were six colors, then what picture they’d be?
But just six letters before me and they describe you all:
They tell about feelingness, softness and charming soul,
They tell me more than one can see, their telling is your world.
And maybe this six letters’ set is like some six games’ you already have won?

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