Wednesday, December 02, 2009

--that girl.

I just felt like posting this, so bear with me.

Of course, how could I forget that day in form one? It'll stick with me forever.
The blazing heat.
The book I'd read about a million times, tucked under my arm.
The stupid songs that the teachers taught us in an effort to boost our self-esteem.
And to top it off, I practically knew nobody there. Well, nobody that I might make an effort to talk to. They all looked boring, anyway.
So yeah, there I was, escaping into my book, that'd probably seen better days. I probably had my nose in it when they herded us into the hall like a bunch of cows (and with that big backoff that Nadia has had, who wouldn't think so?
Anyway, we got into the hall, safe and sound, without any fistfights breaking out between the Mat Rempits and the um, Cheenabengsengs, or the usual, scary-looking Indian boys.
Yeah, so, I sat down and pretended to listen to the teacher for a while, when in actual fact, I was completely spacing out. And someone can attest to this, because, before long, I looked up, ADD kicking in.
And right there, was this girl, who was wearing a hairnet and holding the same fucking book as I was. How the hell could I have missed that?!
She smiled. "Good book, eh?"
And the rest, as they say, is history. But not, like the stupid boring awesome one you read in the textbooks. This is brilliant stuff. :)


Thank you, Meg Cabot.

Seriously? Nobody else.

Not even Jillian Michaels.



Currently listening to: Jen Foster - Web of Roses.

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