Saturday, December 12, 2009

--you should stay the night.

Better than stupiduglypaledisgustingperverted Edward Cullen.
Better than boringweird Harry Potter.
Better than your usual, blah, whatever chivalrous hero (I don't really give a shit).
I bet you're wondering who Steph is blathering on and on about, huh?
I've fallen in love, people.
Yes, again with a fictional character.
This time, it's Kaisa, the King's Hunter, from Ash by Malinda Lo.
Mmmmm. *closes eyes, visualizes*
"Black hair and brown-flecked green eyes."
*insert dead, happy Stephanie here*
Anyway, I think Kaisa's a major cutie -- who tells their dream girl their favorite fairytale during the first meeting ever?
Oh, oh, andandand...!
Kaisa said this to Ash (Aisling, the protagonist);
"Truly, I won't let any harm come to you."
I read that line.
And I fucking melted.
Need I say more?
I think not.
Yeah, see, Hernandez?
You have so much to learn, from a fictional character.
Nah, you're perfect sickening the way you are. :)
All loud and weird and non-English-speaking.
Oh, and before I forget?
I'm currently listening to We Might Fall - Ryan Star (which is super romantic and really sets the mood for the book).
"Truly, I won't let any harm come to you."
*squeals, dies*
Okay, I'm done.

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