Monday, May 24, 2010

Giggles from this afternoon.

Sven: Hey, do you think the neighbors heard us last night?
Nick: We were pretty loud, huh?
Sven: Maybe we ought to tone it down a little.
Nick: Fuck the neighbors. If I have to listen to them play Lady Antebellum, they can listen to me getting nailed.
Steph: I'll never know what it's like to be a man. And I don't want to.
Sven: No problem. Next time you have sex, just spray whoever you're doing in the face with one of those spray bottle thingies.
Steph: Geez, sorry I'm such a jackass.
Naz: Oh, babes, you're an asshole sometimes, but never a fucktard.
Sven: I like McDonald's nuggets in Russia better.
Me: They have McD's in Russia? And why not?
Sven: Because ours are made of chicken, and yours are made of... I don't know. Illegal immigrants. Or something.
Naz: You know, Sven and Nick, y'all always say how much you like fat chicks. It's probably because you don't have to fuck 'em.
Me: So then, I forgot if it was nPr or nCr.
Nick: I love him. *points to sexy black male model*
Sven: He looks like he talks too much.
Naz: You should just sneak up on her and jump her. Remember, it's not rape if you yell, "SURPRISE!"
Nick: Steph, I don't know how people read your handwriting.
Naz: They probably don't; they just think some Arab was really angry.
Sven: All lions are males
Steph: Where do baby lions come from then?
Sven: Then what are tigers?
Steph: Stripey
Sven: No, there's no such thing as a female lion. Thats why they call them the King of the jungle. Not the Queen of the jungle.
Steph: I want a tattoo.
Naz: I don’t like coloured tattoos. If you want a coloured tattoo, just get it done in black outlines and then you can colour it in with markers every day. That way you don’t have to worry about it fading.
Sven: I miss Michael Jackson.
Steph: Let me tell you my Michael Jackson story! This one time, I listened to a Michael Jackson album but I don’t remember which one now he is dead I am sad. The End!
Naz: Dolly Parton sure loved getting her tits out. Can't say I blame her.
Steph: Remember, it was the 80's. She was probably high the whole time.
Naz: I don't need to be high to get my tits out. I'm just high on the fact I have such awesome tits!
Naz: Look, a rainbow! That means people are having gay sex. Hope it’s two hot chicks.
Naz: *eats nuggets*
Me: I love watching you eat. You’re so cute. Like a monkey playing with Lego.

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