Monday, November 09, 2009 I'll say it in writing.

Because talking doesn't always work.

I can't tell you;
How my heart beats faster whenever I see your name on my caller ID.
How I grit my teeth to keep from swearing whenever you talk about her.
How I want to tell you that you deserve so much better than that disgusting... ugh.
How I know that some of the things I do piss you off terribly, but I do it because I like you.
How I can't wrap my head around the idea that I actually do like you, because it's just so... out of this world?
How it actually bugs the fuck out of me that I don't know if you know that I like you.
How you're an idiot if you don't know yet.
How you're a gorgeous, idiotic, boy

But he is so pretty to me. :) Oh, yes, he is!

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