Friday, January 15, 2010

--tomorrow, I'll miss you.

Okay, I'm a fan of elevators.
How can you not love them?
They're easy to use,
they actually are useful,
Sometimes, they even have hotties in there. :)
(Oh, and Sabrina, I think I got the wrong guy, apologies. Mine's much cuter. :P)
Anyway, I've been meeting new people, and it's great.
I totally lovelovelove Pre-U.
I've met this guy called Cedric (or Voldemort), who kept waving his dictionary in my face.
I've met another guy, Alwy, from Indonesia.
And Matt, who looks like Shi Zun (SHI ZUN, I MISS YOU).
Also a couple of other fun people.
So, this is what my lepak group at the CIMP program is like:
Helen; needs to introduction. Ask her to write her own.
Sarosh; Pakistani, huge, mom says he's handsome.
Shakilone; also known as Add-Math, and Ravi. Opinionated, but I like him.
Sabrina; who's Indian Inside (heh, geddit?). She speaks Tamil, which makes Helen and I feel stupid. But she is AWESOME.
Keith; huge, Canadian, makes me feel tiny. He's in my MDM class.
This is long overdue, but...
I like you a lot, think you're really hot.

We'll let Helen be the judge of your fingers, eyh?

And I'm currently listening to: All My Loving - Amy Winehouse.


Close your eyes and I'll kiss you,

Tomorrow I'll miss you,

Remember I'll always be true,

And then while I'm away,

I'll write home every day,

And I'll send all my loving to you.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

walk into an elevator and face the back and other people will too. =)