Friday, August 28, 2009

She Loved

She Loved

When she got up she said I'll see you in the morning,
I didn't know my heart would break without a warning,
But when you fall in love with madness,
You're sure to go insane.
I'm officially crazy. I've got tuition at 8:00am in the morning, and yet, here I am, typing this shit out just so Amelia Marie is happy. It's 1:40am and I'm waiting for Amelie to play her best friend and doubles partner on the WTA, Svetlana Kuznetsova. Of course, I think it's sad that they've got to go head-to-head against each other, but what has to be done, has to be done, and as much as I love Sveta with all my heart for being such an insanely good friend to Amelie, I have to support my woman and my future wife, so come on, Amelie, you can so pull this one off. I, for one, along with like, half a million people, seriously believe in you and your one-handed backhand.
She loved walking through the rain,
She loved the things we can't explain,
She used to love to laugh for hours,
Loved to speak my name,
She loved.
As you all probably know very well, the school holidays have been going on this week, and hell, I had a pretty good time. I hung out with those awesome people (Sarah, I'm still waiting for you to post the hill picture up on Facebook), I slept, I drank, I hung out with Naz, who is currently the love of my life -- in case y'all were blur about it and didn't know about that. Oh, oh, I've also compiled a list of stripper songs, which will be up, like ASAP. Probably right before the holidays end, so get off your ass and start browsing through it when it comes out, because it's complete with links, and I'm rather proud of the work I'm putting into it.
I'm only holding on to dust to find a reason,
I'm only marking time, the changing of the seasons,
Maybe someday when I'll surrender,
I'll feel it all again.
Nikolay Davydenko is taking so damn long to finish. As cute as he is, I wish he'd just hurry the fuck up, because it's obviously not him who I'm staying up to follow on the stupid livescore thing. Anyway, here's a little bit about the song I'm posting with -- it's by Mig Ayesa, who's not too bad, actually, but this is the only song of his that I actually like, so deal, people. It's got gorgeous lyrics and I'm sure you'll agree with me once you've read them through. Oh, oh, in case you're interested, Tegan and Sara's new album is coming out in October, and god only knows how long that'll be till it's here in Malaysia. Shit betul.
And I must believe,
There was something there in me,
She loved.
Excuse my scatterbrained thoughts on this post, I'm actually exhausted -- I babysat Bianca, Felicia and Chester today and believe me, it wasn't easy. They kept asking me about boyfriends and it gets so annoying. I wanted to kill them all. Okay, not Chester, cause he didn't ask. Right. Post ends here, I'm off to sleep for a while. Love, sex and allez Ame. :)
Now I love walking through the rain,
I love the things I can't explain,
And now I love to laugh for hours,
I love to scream her name,
I loved.

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