Friday, February 06, 2009

--don't cry. say "fuck you" and smile.

What video is currently embedded on your profile and why?
Uh... That video Amali took of me and Amy making stupid faces into the camera. It's funny and it has me in it, so why shouldn't it be on my profile?
When and where have you met a celebrity, or which celebrity would you most like to meet?
Oh, oh, I've met Shunda K from Yo Majesty, which was awesome, and she was really cool. I think that's the biggest celeb I've met... Also, I'd be most likely to meet (and date) Amelie Mauresmo.
What pop culture character are you most like, and why?
*thinks* Probably Justin Walker from Brothers and Sisters. Troubled as hell, and quote Vanessa, my oldest cousin, "You're so damn happy to have a dark personality! Read Francesca Lia Block some more."
What CD is in heavy rotation for you right now?
Oh, oh, Sandi Thom's "Smile, It Confuses People". I highly recommend it.
If we hacked into your DVR, what would we find?
Lots and lots of Amelie pictures? And good music.
What song are you currently singing in the shower?
Today, I was doing "Guess Who Batman" by Lily Allen, who totally owns Katy Perry.
What movie star does your pet most resemble?
Brad Pitt. He's a gorgeous, gorgeous dog. Ask anyone who's seen him.

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