Friday, February 13, 2009

--25 things.

1. I have a supermassive crush on Amelie Simone Mauresmo.
- She's got gorgeous eyes, gorgeous hair, and an amazing body, second to none. Not even stupid bitches who you probably have a crush on, like Tyra Banks who has a damn big ass and flashes her boobs in public. Amelie has never, ever done that.

2. Right now, I think Sandi Thom's "What if I'm Right" is the most brilliant song ever.
- I'd love to meet her. I've been living on her album since about last week. When I told Sarah, she said, "Oh, yeah. She's pretty." Uh, okay... I didn't ask if she was pretty of not, I was just telling you that her music is damn good.

3. I got a new grey shirt that I absolutely love.
- It has an alien on it. 'Nuff said.

4. Personally, most guys are assholes. Except for *coughcoughcough* (Helen knows) and a couple of others.
- I hate Mohan the most, he sucks and Darren does not look like him at all.

5. Bitches get on my nerves like hell.
- You know those stupid people who pretend to like you, but are just lying to your face. They suck, don't they? Yeah, I know. And those other bitches, who go around seeking attention with their pathetic little attitudes and mentality that they can have everyone in the room. Screw you, get AIDS and die.

6. Homophobes, too.
- How can you even have that opinion about someone? That's like hating someone just because they like vanilla ice-cream and most of everyone else likes chocolate.

7. Refer above for closed-minded fucks who can only come up with, "Dyke, lesbo, faggot, homo, etc." It's fucking gay, you dickheads.
- How fucking politically incorrect can you get? You want Mz Fontaine to bash you up or what?

8. I think facebook is for real friends.
- People who randomly add other people is a tad disturbing, don't you think?

9. Crapping with Pik Ee is like the most fun thing to do during roll call.
- Hey, after Kuan Ngee went mad and started farting, and Roger Federe smelled it, the next best thing that could happen is me getting a harem. And I did.

10. I come late to school (7:25 am, earliest) almost every day.
I wake up at 6:45 am and shower and have breakfast in record time. I think you should think twice before starting to nag and congratulate me instead for being so fast.

11. I've been playing the violin for six years now, but I think I'm pretty useless at it.
- I can't say that I rock at it, it'd sound damn egotistical. Plus, I can't play chords to save my life and my sight-reading is awful. Take that away, and I can actually play passably.

12. When I get older, I'd like to have a pig, a monkey, a cow and big dogs 'cause small ones are pussies.
- Small dogs just get in the way. I have big feet and tend to step on them. And then they cry like babies. Big dogs are more huggable, anyway. Refer to my beloved Cadbury, who's so much more than a handful, but so worth it.

13. Feminism in a man is extremely sexy.
- A man who thinks women should be running the world? Phwoarr!

14. My TV crushes are Willow Rosenberg, Gregory House and Thirteen!
- They're just hot. And, "You can't yell at me -- I'm a cripple." is like my favorite quote ever.

15. Instead of saying "Ohmygod," I sometimes say, "OhmyEllen" cause she's awesome.
- Helen and I have agreed that she's god.

16. I thank Ellen for my besties (especially Helen and Naz) every day.
- I need people like them around to run my life and tell me what I can and cannot do, and what I have to do, and what's just a bad idea.

17. My computer is being a fucking bitch right now and I want an iMac like Amelie's.
- I can't see Katrina's blog. I'll restart it later.

18. In my dreams, I've tried to kill my parents, only to have Helen, Carin, Amy and Viv stop me (and there was a hot Punjabi guy there, too).
- Ask me about this, you'll be in stitches, I swear.

19. I'm jonesing for Bailey's right now.
- It's smooth and has sugar in it. I generally hate coffee, since it tastes like crap and Milo/Ovaltine/Horlicks exists, so why exactly should I drink crap that stunts your growth and gives you bad breath? Even Amelie hates it, okay.

20. I probably could talk crap for a living.
- Look at this conversation I had with Nick the other night.
ME: Quasimodo!
NICK: Rosie O'Donnell!
ME: Wesley Snipes!
NICK: *I can't put her name here cause she reads my blog, but fffahk, she is ugly*
ME: Swet dreams, donkey-fucker!
NICK: Night-night, *that girl's name*-lover!

21. I'm very, very vocal about my dislikes. Take it or leave it.
- Seriously, if you get on my nerves, I'll tell you to fuck off right away. And if you do anything to piss me off, I'll take you down. Need an example? Ask JJ about this morning.

22. When words don't work, I try to be funny... And it pisses people off, 'cause they wanna be serious.
- But the people who love me let me be. And it's useless trying to reason with me, because the more you try to be sensible, the more I'll talk crap until you've forgotten what you were saying to begin with.

23. Miley Cyrus is a stupid bitch, and so are you, if you listen to her.
- Her songs are stupid. She makes Paris Hilton look like Natalie Portman, i.e., a Harvard grad.

24. I come up with crazy ideas about how to meet Amelie Mauresmo like every day. And happily tell them to people.
- And if you love me, you'll shut up, listen and assure me that it'll work.

25. A lot of people know me as, "The girl who swears and shows the middle finger a lot."
- This is according to Pik Ee. For example:
PIK EE: Eh, you know, if you ask people if they know Stephanie, they'll aswer back, "Oh, you mean the girl who says f-words and shows the middle finger?"


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