Saturday, November 01, 2008


1. Sadness or hopelessness
2. Irritability, anger, or hostility
3. Tearfulness or frequent crying
4. Withdrawal from friends and family
5. Loss of interest in activities
6. Changes in eating and sleeping habits
7. Restlessness and agitation
8. Feelings of worthlessness and guilt
9. Lack of enthusiasm and motivation
10. Fatigue or lack of energy
11. Difficulty concentrating

12. Thoughts of death or suicide

13. Unexplained aches and pains
14. A downward trend in performance at school or college
15. Destructive and/or defiant behavior
16. Hallucinations or unusual beliefs
17. Appetite or weight has changed considerably (has lost or gained a substantial amount of weight)
18. May appear restless, agitated (pacing, wringing hands) or has slowed down (e.g., spends hours staring in front, finds it hard to move)
19. Has lost a lot of energy, complains of feeling tired all the time
20. Complaints of feeling guilty or worthless ('everything is my fault', 'I am bad')
21. Belief that life is not worth living

Well, that's twelve out of twenty-one, people. Whatever. You decide. After all, my parents did, didn't they?
Thank Ellen DeGeneres for my friends, -- Helen, Carin, Nazis, etc. You guys are the only people keeping me sane. And I fucking appreciate that.

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