Sunday, March 23, 2008


.best friend survey.

Do you have a best friend?

Who is your best friend?
Read the survey and guess.

How long have you known your best friend?
Four years, both of them.

Do you tell your best friend everything?
Mostly. Unless I forget.

Do you tell your best friend things you don't tell your partner?

What do you enjoy doing most with your best friend?
Laughing. Hanging out. Talking on the phone. Almost everything.

What is your best memory of your best friend?
Too many. I'd crash of I posted them.

What is your worst memory of your best friend?
When we were in Form 1 and thet bitch screwed us all in front of the whole Prefects' Board. And when she charged down the stairs, crying that she broke the toilet tap.

Do you and your best friend like the same things?
No. I like Amelie. She likes Orlando. She likes Mika.

Have you and your best friend ever dated the same person?
No, but we've liked the same person. And, no.

Do you think you will still be in contact with your best friend in 25 years?
YES. What the hell are you trying to say?

What is the one thing you would change about your best friend?
Their opinion about my "bisexuality".

What is the one thing your best friend would change about you?
My opinion about my "bisexuality."

If your best friend moved away, would you be able to cope?
NO! I'm nothing if I'm not with her. She's the Yin to my Yang. The sweetness to my sarcasm.

.have you ever.

Given a Hickey?

Had a one night stand?
Define one night stand.

Made someone cry?
Yes. I'm a bitch.

Opened your Christmas presents early?

Eaten food that fell on the floor?
Yeah. M&Ms.

Been caught cheating?
Sadly, yes.

Been caught naked?

Flashed someone?
Not by choice. I got pantsed.

Gone out without underwear on?
No. I love underwear.

Got into a fist fight?
Hello, this is me we're talking about. Of course.

Swallowed bath water?
Nope. Ew.

Thrown up in public?

Been so drunk you can't walk?

Peed in public?
No. Ew.

Broken wind and blamed someone else?
Nope. I should, though.

Done something mean you regretted?
Yes. Sorry, Delta.

Ever played pull my finger?

.perfect partner.

How tall should they be?
Five feet, nine inches.

What should they weigh?
Sixty-nine kilograms.

What hair color should they have?
Sun-bleached blonde. Smart blonde! =)

What kind of personality should they have?
Funny, sweet, mature, non-smoker.

Older or younger?
13 years older.

Serious or carefree?
Depending on the situation.

Spontainous or hesitant?

Brutally honest or tight-lipped?
Depending on the situation.

Beautiful or intelligent?
She's both!

Movie or a restuarnt?
BED and breakfast, hahahahahaa. Nah, movie.

What film actor should they most be like?
Kate Moennig is sexy... A Kate Moennig-Rose Rollins hybrid?

What singer should they most be like?
...Shirley Manson?

Should they make all the money?

Do they need to cook?
She says she's not the world's best cook, she does.

What is their best body part?
HER ABS! Have you seen them? Oh, and her ears are way cute!

What body part do you not care about?
Uh, her nose?

Desk job or physical labour?
She's a goddamn tennis player. What d'you think?

What car should they drive?
Something sleek, fast and sexy.

What one thing completely turns you off?
No sense of humor. Delayed response.

What one thing completely turns you on?

.would you.

Would you eat a bug?

Would you bungee jump?
Been there, done that. 2004, AJ Hackett, NZ.

Would you hang glide?
I want to.

Would you kill someone?
Gerlandine Filiol, watch it!

Would you kiss someone of the same sex?
*raises eyebrow*

Would you parachute from a plane?

Would you walk on hot coals?
No. I have nice feet and I just got a pedicure.

Would you be a vegitarian?
No. I'm a carnivore.

Would you instant message a stranger?
Only if they IM first.

Would you sing karaoke?
Yeah. Done it.

Would you run a red light?
Sure. Once I get my licence.

Would you shoplift?
No need.

Would you dye your hair blue?
I was thinking more like pink.

Would you be on survivor?
No. Mother Nature hates me.

Would you wear make-up in public?

Would you not wear make-up in public?

Would you cheat on a test?
Done it.

Would you make someone cry?

Would you date someone more than 10 years older than you?
The person I want to date is 13 years older than me.

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