Saturday, October 10, 2009

"If the world is ending, I'm throwing a party."

This one is for Vivien Tan.
Because she is S-P-E-C-I-A-L.
The Chinese girl who jumped out in front of me two years ago, yelling, "This boy is in my class."
I cracked up, and she's been my friend since then.
So, this is her day - the girl whom I've known for two years.
Who's finally 15, and sitting for PMR, and who wants to tutor Amy and I with History.
Vivien, or Bunwoman, never fails to remind me what an absolute nutcase I am.
But she forgets - your friends are a reflection of you, and I'm just a reflection of her own craziness.
She should know - her heart is like her lips. B-I-G.
Vivien makes me laugh and be thankful that there are people like her around.
We've only been friends for two years, and I act like we've been friends for 15.
Well, we'll make it happen - many more years to come.
Vivien Tan Wei Wen.
Happy fuckin' birthday!
I love you and your huge lips lots.
-- Ninny. :)

1 comment:

Vivien said...

I have my own tag?

That is way cool.