Monday, December 17, 2007

.ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer.

Naz is stupid. I'm NEVER gonna be a rapper, even if I'm writing rhymes and I'd really, really like to go out on a romantic dinner date with Sarah Shahi and JenRO. But whatever. On with Naz's stupid questions and my answers.

NAZ: What inspired you to start rapping/rhyming? Was there a particular influence like a friend or family member?
ME: Uh... Yeah, I guess. Vanessa listens to hip-hop a lot and when she stayed with us, she used to listen to Tupac, so naturally, I did, too. Keep Ya Head up is still my favourite. And I do listen to music. I never wanted to be a rapper, actually. I'm just messing around. Don't expect an album to drop any time soon.
NAZ: Who are your role models?
ME: Ooh, I LOVE these questions! I like Mz Fontaine. And JenRO's awesome, too. Miss Money. God_Des and SHE. That's just in hip-hop, though. They've made a huge impact on the HomoHop scene and I respect that.
NAZ: What would you consider your career highlight so far?
ME: Um, what career?
NAZ: Who do you want to work with in the future?
ME: Um, Sarah Shahi and JenRO. Man, they're fine, too! And maybe go out on a romantic dinner date with Sarah and Jen, but not together...
NAZ: Tell me a bit about your experience being both a woman and a lesbian in the hip hop scene. And does being Indian make your art harder or easier?
ME: Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? Get this straight, bitch, I am not a leabian. I'm not into labels. And since nobody's listening to my rhymes except my the people around me who have to listen when I get the urge to do so, the most crticism I've had is funny looks from the old Chinese aunties.
NAZ: What are your opportunities in Kuala Lumpur? Will you have to move to another area and where would that be?
ME: I love KL, I've grown up here and I know it like the back of my hands, but I don't think it's gonna be easy for me to get many opportunities here, so I'm out ASAP.
NAZ: What are your immediate future plans after your album is released, any big collaborations or appearances you'd like to share?
ME: There will be no album. At least not now and if there is, it won't be a hip-hop album. I'd like to release one with my band, Queercore, with your girlfriend and Nick, and it'll probably be a queercore album.
NAZ: What do you do when you aren’t out on gigs?
ME: Hang out with you, loser. I like PlayStation games. And watching the Ellen Show. I eat, shit and sleep. I'm just another bored feminist teenager.

Damn funny, don't you think? And for those of you who don't know who the hell JenRO is, she's a superfine Latina rapper. Jennifer Robles. So sue me, I have a thing for Latinas.

Sarah Shahi...


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