Thursday, December 07, 2006

.drunk people.

This is hifuckinglarious. I was going through my audio files today and I found something I'd forgotten all about. Check it. I was piss drunk, by the way. Good times...

JARROD: Steph, get it together. I'm gonna get you to bed.
STEPH: I though we already did that...
JARROD: No, we didn't. You passed out.

If I remember what happened in my drunken state of mind, I THINK Jarrod hit the light switch and caught JD and Isabel together. Just so you know, Jarrod and Isabel were having an on-off relationship.

STEPH: Whoot!
JD: What the hell did you do to my cousin??
STEPH: Nothing, 'kayh?
JARROD: I guess I don't have to ask what you were doing with my girlfriend... It was pretty obvious.
JD: Maybe if you were a better boyfriend she wouldn't be looking at me.
JARROD: Steph's just using you to get to me.
ISABEL: Don't throw that at me!
STEPH: No, it's not what it looks like...
ISABEL: It's NOT? Because it looks like you've been getting dressed in the backseat of someone's Nissan.
STEPH (to Jarrod): Hey, isn't that what you drive?
JARROD: Steph, shut up.
JD: Hey, man, YOU shut up!
ISABEL: Both of you; SHUT UP. This is all SO wrong.
STEPH: Wait, no. Do you know what would make this so much more wrong? If Kim was here.
JD: Did this asshole get you wasted?
STEPH: No...

At this point, my parents came into the room. It was getting bad but looking back, it was funny. I don't know why, though. I got SO grounded.

MOM: Stephanie, are you drunk?!
STEPH: No. *big, psuedo-smile*
And then I puked. JD was nearly sick as well.
DAD: We'll take that as a yes.

Ah, the good old days when I was on good terms with everyone. I kinda miss them, really.


Anonymous said...


Funny? FUNNY? That sounded more like extremely traumatising to me, sistah.

You emotionally scarred yet?

Why do you do these things, anyway? How do you get yourself into these situations?

[sighs from the best friend]

You know you love me [sigh],

HRH_bombastic has left the building.

Don't bother said...

Lol. Funny Story